
13-16 October 2017 (Friday-Monday) Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

HONG KONG, CHINA: This general view shows freight at a Modern Terminals Limited loading dock at the Kwai Chung container port in Hong Kong, 30 November 2004. Modern Terminals Limited is the longest established container terminal operation in Hong Kong. Hong Kong is among the world's busiest container ports, continuing a strong presence on the back of the booming Chinese economy. AFP PHOTO/MIKE CLARKE (Photo credit should read MIKE CLARKE/AFP/Getty Images)

Major Exhibit Categories: 3D Printing Audio Visual Products Business of IP Zone Computer & Peripherals Digital Imaging Electronic Accessories Electronic Gaming Hall of Fame Healthcare Electronics Home Appliances i-World In-Vehicle Electronics & Navigation Systems Office Automation & Equipment Personal Electronics Robotics & Unmanned Tech Security Products Small Order Zone Smart Tech Start-up Telecommunications Products Testing, Inspection & Certification Trade Services Technology Exchange Zone Virtual Reality Wearable Electronics